About The Author

Neill Watson is a Consulting Director & Venture Builder known for entrepreneurial management, digital, creative technology, venture development and venture investment expertise.

Venture Building @Lean Sonics
Founder & CEO  @MonoGiant
Business & Fitness Enthusiast
Qualified L3 Personal Trainer

The Lean Exec Book

A strong, athletic physique in as little as 3 hours a week.  The Lean Exec is about reclaiming and re-building your health and fitness in alignment with your career ambitions and personal life.

The Lean Exec is NOT about fad diets and exercise routines, it’s NOT about quick fix short-term solutions or rapid superficial beach transformations.  The Lean Exec is about re-establishing core fitness, building and maintaining a strong, healthy athletic body in a highly efficient way, without it taking over your life.

About the book

A strong athletic physique, in just 3 hours a week?

It’s part of the job for fitness professionals and actors to be in shape. However, what do you do if you spend your day at a desk, in long meetings, travelling and/or commuting daily? Then throw in a busy family and personal life. How do you find time to eat right and recover from a workout, let alone fit one in?

Book >

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